Monday, November 30, 2009

Summary of the book, 'Now that you are a teenager my daughter.'

The book, 'Now that you are a teenager my daughter' Is divided into fivwe sections. These developed from the belief that "life is about relationships, and how far one goes in life is in direct proportion to the way he/she handles these relationships."

The first section is about the relationship the teenage girl has with herself. This is a crucial relationship to develop because this affects all the other relationship. This touches on topics like self esteem, goal setting, self-belief and others.

The second section focuses on the relationship that the teenager has with family members. This is crucial in that it provides a solid base from which the teenager can launch into the world. If this relationship ios weak, others outside the home will be bad too.

The relationship with friends makes up the third section where the focus is on building constructive relationships with peers in order to benefit from positive peer pressure.

The fourth section is the relationship with boys. This is the most fascinating but it can be the most destructive iof not handled well. This discusses basically how to benefit from this crucial relationship and avoid mistakes made by most teenagers due to lack of information.

The last section covers the most important relationship of all; the relationship with God. This is a critical relationship that every teenager needs to explore.

These five sections are adressing issues that affect teenagers in general and girls in particular in a language that is not threatening to the teenager. This makes the book very readable and most teenagers who have read the book so far say that they have benefitted greatly from the information found in the book. his makes it a must read for all the teenage girls you know.

You can read the foreword to the book posted on this blog so you hear what one of the most respected elders in teh body of Christ thinks about teh book. You can get a glimpse of some of the topics covered in another post as well. To get details about the availability of the book see post entitled, "book for teenagers is out."

Best wishes.

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